Oh, how I love fall… the crisp air, the candles, the cider, the sweaters, and boots, the stores stocked with candy and scary costumes…. the pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks! My favorite of all though has to be carving pumpkins. This love affair with pumpkins started early in my life, stems from my childhood growing up we didn’t really celebrate Halloween. The only thing we ever did to participate was to hand out candy. But the one thing that I drove my parents nuts about was to carve a pumpkin. I would plan my design out in advance, scouring the stores for The. Perfect. Pumpkin. Then I would take that bad boy home and create my masterpiece. I don’t know what it is about that plump orange vegetable but it has won my heart through and through.
I have since passed this tradition on to my daughter. Let me tell you she is one talented pumpkin-carving-girl! Now unlike my mother, we do celebrate Halloween I put my foot down straight off the bat. For my daughter’s first Halloween she was Tinkerbell, the oohs, and ahhs, she was adorable! Now of course he costumes have become more creative… yes Killer Vampire Cheerleader lol. I on the other hand have been boring the last couple of Halloweens and haven’t dressed up, next year it is on though!
Tuesday last week my husband, my daughter, and I visited Tate Farm in Huntsville and picked out pumpkins. This was the first time I have visited there (had a Groupon) and I really liked it. So many different types of pumpkins and every size you can imagine. Between the three of us, we left with six pumpkins. We got an awesome white one, one covered in bumps, a green and orange striped one, a 50 lbs orange one, and a few of your standard pumpkins.
Pumpkin carving is an art
Sunday was our annual pumpkin carving party, we opened the garaged and started the pumpkin butchering. So much pumpkin guts…. buckets and buckets! Here is what we ended up with 🙂
This was my pumpkin… went with a sugar skull. My wonderful husband bought me a pumpkin carving Dremel so that came in handy!
This is my daughter’s pumpkin….. can I say wow! Turned out awesome. Can you tell me what it is? Popular television show…. is on AMC….. Yes, it is the first zombie Rick sees on Walking Dead. She used an orange and green striped pumpkin and it really added to the overall effect.
Here are my husband’s awesome pumpkins! He was a prolific artist this year and carved 3! His are always whimsical and fun. He would say he isn’t an artist like me and Tasha but I would have to disagree. I think they look awesome!
Happy Halloween Everybody!!!!
What are your Halloween traditions?
Do you like to carve pumpkins as well?
I too grew up in an ultra conservative Christian family. Halloween was also forbidden. My first memory of this holiday as a 4 or 5 year old is of my parents turning all the lights off and making us hide from the trick or treaters. The following year we handed out tracts instead if candy. Yeah we were *those* people.
My son is 9 months old and I’m going to dress him as a Who from Whoville. I don’t really have a costume for him this year but my aunt makes some funky hats and sweaters. I definitely intend to celebrate Halloween with him every year.
All of your family’s pumpkins look amazing!!! Wow! I think I like your daughters the best. We didn’t carve any this year but will take our son to a pumpkin patch next year for sure. Happy Halloween!
Thank you! I thought my daughter did an awesome job as well. I love the Whos I am sure he will look adorable. You must share pictures.
I didn’t even know a pumpkin dremel existed. Very cool! I hope next year you will do a pumpkin carving tutorial and help us lame-o-carvers out! I love that sugar skull. It’s gorgeous! It makes me wish the pumpkin would last forever.
I love this! You’re so talented! I could never do this! Wow! Awesome post! OH and you’re award winning! http://www.chewylicious.com/blog-post-long-overdue-awards-thankyou/
Thank you! We love carving them every year and try to top ourselves lol. Can’t wait to pick out what we will make for next year!
I found you via the Bloggy Moms Blog Hop. Incredible pumpkins guys! I would not have wanted to be the person who had to empty out the 50lbs pumpkin.
We had so much fun making those! My daughter is the one who got stuck hollowing them out… but I think she loves the mess.