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Blogging is About Self-Expression

Blogging is About Self-Expression

I am taking a Blogging 101 class through WordPress and the assignment today is for me to check out other Blogger 101 writer’s posts and to use one as inspiration for a post of my own.

I must say there are some majorly talented writers in the group, which makes me so happy to see! The post that I chose is The Tenacious, Courageous Writer by dsmcknight. Such a great read, exactly what I needed to hear today. It reminded me of why I blog and for whom I blog.

I know some bloggers aspire to have a huge following, or to someday make it a business to support themselves with. For me, blogging is about self-expression, letting the thoughts that I am so prone to bottle up inside out. When I am around groups of people I tend to listen to others more than speak. I can even feel drained when I spend too much time around others and not enough by myself winding down.

Blogging is a way for me to completely express myself, to do something for ME. For the most part, the readers of my posts are strangers. They don’t have any preconceived notions about what I would say or what I would do. They won’t judge me with the “I can’t believe you said that” or “I never would have guessed”…. I can just be free to say what I want.

Now don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong about wanting to be a famous blogger or to make a six figure salary by expressing yourself. If I ever get there I won’t complain a bit! I just don’t approach my blog having that as my focus. If you do then you are still doing it to make yourself happy, which is the way it is supposed to be!

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  1. I think more of us need to jump off the hamster wheel and get back to the blogging basics –self expression, writing to yourself, etc. Thanks for this!

  2. Hello, great response to your Blogging 101 assignment. I have signed up for Blogging 101 many times but have never finished it. So thumbs up to you. You are right, blogging is abut self expression. I have a small interior decorating firm. It has a website which is basically all about business. I started a blog and I absolutely love being able to express my own personal thoughts and ideas… Thanks for posting and have a great day!!!

  3. Hi! Thanks for the shout out! It’s really gratifying when others “get” you/your thoughts. Just reading over you post, I totally understood how you can find crowds draining. Crowds of strangers do that to me. Heck, there are times that I have to have a break from my family and friends- it’s like my batteries have to be recharged and the only way I can do that is to be by myself. Being part of a blogging community is great. I can take my time visiting other blogs, reading their thoughts and not be overwhelmed by large crowds.

    1. Yes! Whenever you can do it on your own terms it is such a nice thing. Meeting other who are like minded and get you is a bonus as well.

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